Wel­co­me to the UREL­FER CLUB SCHWEIZ website, the on­ly or­ga­ni­zed Swiss com­mu­ni­ty fos­te­ring the pas­sion for clas­sic Por­sche 911 and 912 with the ori­gi­nal, pu­re and time­less sha­pe. This web­si­te doesn't fo­cus on long tech­ni­cal dis­qui­si­ti­ons on ear­ly Por­sches, which can be found in big quan­ti­ties in the web and the com­mon li­te­ra­tu­re. The at­ten­tion of this web­si­te is de­di­ca­ted to pic­tu­res and do­cu­men­ta­tion re­la­ting to ear­ly Por­sches 911 and 912. We in­vi­te you to en­ter in­to the mar­vel­lous, co­lour­ful and un­troub­led world of the la­te Six­ties and to im­mer­se in­to the world of a sports car icon!